Enrolment -

Term 3
Monday 22nd July
Term 4
Monday 14th October        

Term 1
Year 9's - Tuesday 28th January
All pupils - Wednesday 29th January
Term 2
Monday 28th April
Term 3
Monday 14thJuly
Term 4
Monday 6th October      



Enrolment Information
The student's academic year level at entry
Student Details

This section is for the Student details only 

First name
Middle name/s
Last name
Please enter the student's legal name as it appears on their Birth Certificate.
First name
Middle name/s
Last name
Select gender
The name of the school currently being attended
Residence A / Primary Contact Details*

The student lives most or all of the time with the primary caregiver(s) and may include up to two adults that have guardianship of a student (eg, parents or parent and a partner).

If caregivers live at different addresses, please tick 'Student has another residence' and enter the details for the secondary caregiver. 

DO NOT use the Google Autofill to complete your address as this will overwrite your student's name above

Please type your primary residence addresss in the above address search
Street number and name
Rural Delivery
Post Code

Residence A - Caregiver 1

e.g. dsmith@gmail.com
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Wakatipu High School
Relationship to the student

Residence A - Caregiver 2

e.g. bsmith@gmail.com
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Wakatipu High School
Relationship to the student
Please tick if the student resides at another address at times
Health Details

To help us care for the student in any illness/emergency situation, please outline in the Health Notes box below any allergies (or intolerances) / medical issues including details of severity and treatment/medication.
In case of severe allergic reaction (i.e. Anaphylaxis), please provide a current Action Plan to be obtained from your doctor/GP. 

Learning Support

We will follow-up with parents and with your child’s current Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) for further information and supporting documents. Please indicate in the Additional Support box below if any of the following are applicable to your child:

  • Receiving or has received additional Literacy support
  • Receiving or has received additional Numeracy support
  • Diagnosis of a specific learning difference
  • Assistance from RTLB or GSE
  • Involved in gifted and talented or accelerated programme
  • Has received and educational assessment (eg. Ed Psych Report) 

Are there any details regarding any of the above or anything else that you would like us to know about your child?

If you wish to add any attachments, you can do so in the upcoming section.

List any medical problems including hearing, allergies and diagnosed conditions
List any additional learning support, needs or requirements this student may have
Emergency Contact

Please provide a local contact who is not the primary or secondary caregiver.  We will only contact if the primary and secondary caregivers are not able to be contacted.

Emergency Contact 1
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Wakatipu High School
e.g. Grandmother
Emergency Contact 2
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. Grandfather

The enrolment cannot be accepted until we receive a copy of the student's identification.

Please upload one of the following documents: a) New Zealand birth certificate; b) NZ citizenship certificate; c) NZ or Australian passport; d) student visa (with overseas passport).

If you have any learning support documentation/reports that you wish to provide please upload them here also.

Click the +Add button when you upload each document.
Select only Images, PDF's or Word Documents. Maximum file size: 8MB's

Select only Images, PDFs or Word Documents.
Maximum file size: 8MB's
School Questions


Declaration by Parent(s) or Caregiver(s)

By submitting this form I acknowledge that I am enrolling my son/daughter at Wakatipu High School and agree that he/she will comply with School Policies and School Rules in all matters concerning the School, including ICT Responsible Use Agreement and Uniform Rules. I appreciate that the Board of Trustees reserves the right to alter both Rules and Policies. I agree to pay for any optional goods and services associated with the subjects and activities undertaken by my son/daughter that are not considered compulsory for the delivery of curriculum.

By submitting this form I acknowledge that I am digitally signing this form.
Please ensure you SUBMIT your form at the completion - you will see a pop up telling you if it has been successful.

Privacy Statement

We collect personal information from you, including your:
• name
• contact information
• address
We collect your personal information in order to contact you in relation to your student and your student's attendance and progress at school. Besides our staff, we share this information with:
• Sports Coaches, curricular and extra-curricular providers in order to contact you in relation to your student and their attendance
• School Photographers for purchase of class photographs (eg. photolife.co.nz)
• CES (cessl.org.nz) in order to run online Board elections
• Photographs may be shared with external entities who support the school (e.g. Wakatipu High School Foundation, Graeme Dingle Foundation)
You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at office@wakatipu.school.nz, or 03 442 7370, or 47 Red Oaks Drive, Frankton.